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School Building Project

Sonjo Tribe, Tanzania


​Tanzania is home to 131 distinct tribes. The Sonjo tribe is near the Serengeti Plain and Lake Natron. The tribe has a population of 35,000 of which 400 are believers. One of the 12 villages in the Sonjo Tribe has begun the construction of a Christian English School with the help of Pastor Zephania Ngunyi and a local missionary from New Life Church, Gina Helms. Gina has been working with the Sonjo Tribe for 7 years. 


Over 37 students currently attend the school despite the dirt floors and unfinished building. Recently a roof was placed onto the building. This is the first of several planned schools for this unreached tribe in northern Tanzania. The Tanzanian government is putting pressure on the ministry to compete this construction project. The project needs $3,500 to complete the exterior finish, interior rooms, and needed furnishings. All additional funds raised will be used to begin construction on other schools in the Sonjo Tribe. These schools will continue to reach these families and their children each day with the gospel through the educational instruction. Troop GA-0456 applauds the mission to disciple these children in the teachings of the Lord. Why Tanzania?


Other Ongoing Projects

In addition to the educational needs of these children, the local missionary is also partnering with organizations to provide water filtration, basic practical needs to the village, and evangelical outreach to the Sonjo tribe.

Phase 1
Phase 2
Kids learning math
Diligently learning
Class photo with Pastor Zephania Ngunyi

In June, a member of Troop GA-0456 will travel to the Sonjo Tribe to deliver the funds. He and his wife will spend a week ministering to the Sonjo Tribe with ISSA International. ISSA has led missionary trips to Tanzania for over 30 years. ISSA will be partnering with Leading the Way to provide dual-language, Swahili/English, hand-held, solar-powered, Navigator devices that include gospel messages and the NT in Swahili. ISSA will also be partnering with Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP) to provide training for the local pastors and leaders. Please be in daily prayer for safe travels and open hearts as the gospel is shared to the Sonjo Tribe.

Upcoming Trip


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